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Marine Corps League of Naples
E.T. Brisson Detachment #063, Naples, FL
Challenge Coin

~INITIATING THE COIN CHECK: Producing a unit coin, either intentionally or unintentionally, in plain sight of other unit members constitutes a choice check.  Removing a coin from its place of storage & tapping it on a table, bar, mug, bottle or other suitable area also constitutes a coin check.  A coin resting, even if in pain sight, does not constitute a coin check (e.g., on a nightstand or in a pile of change on the coin owners cot during field conditions).  Fake coin checks are allowed.  Slapping a metallic object down on the table in hopes of getting someone to actually pull out a unit coin is allowed.

~RULES OF THE COIN CHECK:  Once a coin check has been initiated, all coin-carrying members (to include those of other units) must immediately produce their coin.  Coins must be on your person or within arm's reach.  If everyone within earshot of the coin check produces a unit coin, then the coin check initiator will purchase a beverage of choice for all coin-carrying personnel.  If anyone, who has been issued a coin, cannot produce said unit coin, then the said individual(s) will purchase the beverage of choice for all coin-carrying personnel.  Payment will be immediate.  IOUs will be issued in the event a coin check occurs away from a drinking establishment.  Insufficient funds are not an excuse.   Beg, borrow or find an ATM.

~DOUBLE JEOPARDY:  Individuals will not be liable for purchasing more than one beverage per person per calendar day.

~LOST COIN:  Individuals can declare "lost coin", in the event they loose their coin, or leave their coin at home during temporary additional duty.  The member declaring "lost coin" will purchase one beverage of choice for every member on the deployment and will not be liable for any further coin checks until returning to his home duty station.

~CARRYING THE COIN:  Coins will not be attached to chains, lanyards, etc. and will not be defaced by drilling holes in them.

~DISPUTES:  Disputes will be settled by the ranking member present.  If the ranking member is involved in the dispute, then the next ranking member will settle the dispute.  The ranking member's decision is final.  There will be no quibbling.  If quibbling occurs, the ranking member present may waive the double jeopardy rule, and said quibbler will purchase two beverages for each coin-carrying member, as punishment for quibbling.
To order/purchase your E.T. Brisson Detachment CHALLENGE COIN(s)
contact:  John Marsh @ 239.287.1396

$10 per coin
payment can be in the form of Cash, Check or Money Order
Checks & Money Orders made payable to:   ET Brisson Detachment 063
Click on photo to enlarge
Note:  above photos are "proofs".  "X" on photo indicates a cut-out area