Then and Now
Meeting Schedule
Marine of the Year
Associate of the Year
Member Roster
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Iwo Jima "Traveling" Memorial
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New Beginnings School
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Marine Corps League of Naples
E.T. Brisson Detachment #063, Naples, FL
Membership Roster
If you find a "long-lost buddy" and would like to contact them, we will make contact for you. Just send an email and provide your name, phone # and e-mail address
and let us know who you wish to contact. SEMPER FI
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Dennis Hemberger
Dave Hinds
Don Hinterlong
Mike Hurley
John (Jack) Johnson, Jr
Joseph (Joe) Johnston
Jay R Jones
Arnold L Karp
Robert (Bob) Kearns
Robert L Kemp
Randy Kington
Thomas Kinniry
James H Kirk
Stanley Kisiel
George R Knipfing
Bill Kocses
Howard Koenig
Emil R Kolberg
John D Lahrman
Craig Lance
Jack D Lane, Jr
James Lavelle
Richard D Lee
John W Lenzen
Alexander Leoni
Tony Lombardi
Joseph Looker
Loran D Loy
Robert T Luparello
William J Lutz
Tom MacIntosh
Patrick J MacKrell
Thomas Mahady
John C Marsh, Sr
Nick Marsit
Richard Mattes
Daniel McDermott
John David McGehe
Frank McGrory
Vernon K Melhado III
Douglas Millar
Jerry L Miller
George T Miserendino
Ronald Mitchell
Max Mitchley
Michael Mucyn
David Muir
John Muir
Richard Nardella
Gary Dennis Nasby
Michael J Nurmikko
David Oliveira
William Peterson
Clarence E Pond
Joe A Pope
Dick Powell
Adam Prentki III
Richard M Prewitt
Matthew Quitto
Scott Richardson
James S Richmond
Stephen Rodrigues
Neil F Sala
Clayton Schaetzel
James H Schmitt
Stanley Severance
David M Skonieczny
William Slepcevich
Ted Soliday
Martin Spann
Bill Stauffer
Daniel F Sullivan
Christopher D Surber
Robert Swing
William J Szilasi
Richard Tait
Gerald (Jerry) Van Hecke
Fred Varner
Christopher Walters
William Walters
Jack Weinrauch
Tim West
Kent Wilbur
James Williams
Gerald (Jerry) Winslow
Eugene Wlock
Ray Wodynski
Robert Young
Edward Brandt
Andy Coviello
Frank DeEsso
William Florio
James B Holmes
Peter Kingsley-Thomas
Patricia [Trisha] Marsh
Garry Morfit
Eric Peltz
Cliff Schneider
Daniel Thompson
Pastor Don Treglown
Fred Wornock
Tony Edwards
Tom Donahue
Ed Hartnack
Lee Hollingsworth
Paula McCurdy
Garrett Richter
Barbara Starcher
"Then & Now" Photos
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William (Bill) Abdo
Carl F Alboth
James Edwin Andrews
Reno Anselmi
Thomas Arcuri
Paul M Atanasio
Fred Avril
Myron P Bach
Robert Baylis
David W Bearce
Nick Berger
Norman T Berthusen
James Blackburn
Charles Boncore
James F Boney
Bernard C Brady
James A Brandeth
Gerald (Jerry) Bray
Alexander Brown
Lawrence Buchanan
James Buchholz
Robert T Butcher
Robert Campbell
Anthony Carlone
Leslie M Chang
Roberto Chang
Alberto Cobian
Joseph S Collins
David Cooksley
William Cooley
Caroline Covone
Maj Gen Mike Coyne
Raymond D'Agostino
Peter J DaSilva
Charles Davis
Daryll Davis
Willis Davis
Frank DeGaetano
James A DeJacimo
Robert DiCarli
Conor Dunn
Toby Dyer
Thomas I Ebrite
Michael Elias
William Flaishans
Coleman J Foley
Warner T Foraker, Sr
James J Fox
Nick Frisco
John Fulmer
Alan Gibson
Irving Glass
Michael Gomez
Michael Graziano
Stephen Hackney
Donald Haines
Richard Harper
James Hatch
Yvette Hazel