Memorial Day Service 2020
Memorial Day, for most of us, was different this year, due to the COVID 19 Crisis.
The meaning, however, does not change.
It was encouraged to pay tribute to our nation’s fallen heroes at dusk on May 25, 2020, Memorial Day, by lighting Candles of Honor, as a visible reminder of the price that was
paid for freedom. The candles were placed in homes, in windows, on front porches, in driveways, in yards, and on lanais. The display was to remind everyone that our resolve to honor those who served will continue even as social-distancing measures limited our ability
to perform traditional Memorial Day remembrances.
In order to pay our respects to the true meaning of Memorial Day, we had to adapt and overcome. A request went out to Detachment members, if they participated in this “new normal” tribute, to send photos. Below are photos that were received.
Thank you for your assistance and your Service.
A red candle to remember the blood shed in battle for the protection of our freedoms.
A white candle to keep our POWs/MIAs ever in our thoughts and prayers,
as we await their return home
A blue candle to salute the memories of those who made it home, but are no longer with us
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